Discourse analysis
We look at three elements of the text:
  • What the text is doing - describe the structure, content etc (structural analysis)
  • How the text communicates (rhetorical analysis)
  • Why [ideological, political, sociological)
For the Word templates, you would use these to work on a single text or a small number of texts. Instructions for using the individual templates are included in the templates themselves. I have also included a summary template that might be useful in assembling your findings.
If you have more than 5 - 10 documents, or you anticipate having a complex system of codes, and/or if you are working in a team, I recommend you use either the Onenote template, or you consider a specialist package such as NVivo. I have included templates for Onenote and NVivo below.
Onenote has free versions that for PCs, Macs, IOS tablets and Android tablets. Go to www.onenote.com and choose the version for your device. After installing the software and learning the basics (free tutorials for Onenote are available), you should download the Onenote templates from this page. Instruction for using them are included in the templates.
NVivo is commercial software. If your are a member of a university, then check to see if your institution has a subscription for the software. Otherwise there are various price options on the Nvivo website. There are  NVIvo tutorials online (for both PC and Mac).  After you have installed NVivo and worked through the basic tutorials, you can download the NVivo template below; instructions on how to use it are included in the template.